Tuesday 26 June 2007

Free and Unlimited izimi Undercuts Established Photo and Video Hosting Websites

izimi Saves Users More Than $1bn. Yes, that’s $1 Billion!

Oxford (UK), San Francisco (USA) - June 25, 2007: izimi (www.izimi.com) is causing nervousness amongst the leading photo and video sharing websites by offering all users totally unlimited and unrestricted photo and video sharing - for free. It’s conservatively estimated that izimi could save internet users well over $1bn in membership fees to photo and video hosting websites, with individual users each saving up to $25 per year.

But it is not just about cost. izimi has a unique approach to photo and video sharing - instead of users having to upload their photos and videos to several different websites, which takes time, izimi makes photos and videos instantly available direct from the user’s own computer with just a few mouse clicks. Like traditional photo hosting services, photos and videos are accessed with a simple and persistent URL, making them easily linkable and embeddable in blogs, forums, websites and social spaces, and URLs can also be sent easily to friends, family and colleagues by email and instant messaging.

Marc Lyne, CEO and David Ingram, VP

izimi VP, David Ingram, says, “Just a few years ago something like izimi would not have been possible - our home internet connections were just too slow and too flaky. But today, more and more of us are connected to fast always-on broadband internet connections, and with that comes a greater degree of self-empowerment. izimi gives us all a technically advanced but simple-to-use means for sharing our media and files, whatever format they are, to anyone else on the internet without the need for us to upload them to intermediaries and without our audiences having to get any special software”.

izimi was designed to incorporate the best elements of P2P file sharing with the best elements of the web-based photo and video hosting services: Like P2P but unlike upload websites, there is no need for a user to upload photos or videos that he wishes to share – it is just ‘click and instant share’. Unlike P2P but like upload websites, a user’s audience doesn’t need any special software to view the shared files - just a web browser.

That unique combination means that any person can share photos, videos, and music literally instantly with just a few mouse clicks, yet they are available via standard URLs and link codes so can be accessed by anyone with a web browser and linked to and embedded in regular web pages.

About the software: izimi is free downloadable application that you install on your computer in order to share your media and files. It is available immediately from www.izimi.com. izimi.com also provides an entire social networking experience where you can view users’ profiles and view and comment on what they’re sharing. About the company: izimi, owned by eSeekers Ltd, was founded in 2005 and is based in Oxford UK and San Francisco CA USA.

Press information, company background, executive biogs and press releases can be found here: http://blog.izimi.com/press-room/

For more information, contact:

David Ingram, VP
izimi (eSeekers Ltd)
Leicester Business Centre
111 Ross Walk
United Kingdom

+44 (0)1865 864022

file share, file sharing, video hosting, video sharing, photo hosting, photo sharing, document sharing, document share, social networking, user generated content, p2p, peer to peer, free software

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Monday 25 June 2007


by L. Berney

If Atlas, who in Greek mythology carries the weight of the world on his shoulders,
was asked, "What are the world's weightiest problems today?" his answer would
probably include:

NEEDS OF THE POPULATION EXPLOSION The world population is set to
increase by some 50% or another 3,000 Million people in the next 50
years. All these extra people will need food, water, housing, clothing,
health care, education and the other necessities of life, and, of course,

WATER SHORTAGE Already acute in some parts of the world -- the
increase in population will greatly increase this problem. Water shortage
can lead to conflict and even war.

POWER SUPPLY Raising the living standards of the developing world and
at the same time the increase in the world's population will consume a
vastly increased amount of power. An extrapolation of the year on year
increase in the world's power consumption shows that by 2050 the
consumption will have doubled; by the end of the century the power
required will be at least five times the present level.

THE END OF OIL AND GAS The world's need for energy is increasing
while the reserves of oil and gas are rapidly running out. As evidence, the
prices of oil and gas have doubled in recent years. Supplies must eventually
be exhausted, what then?

REDUCING CARBON DIOXIDE EMISSIONS. CO2 (almost certainly) causes
global warming and therefore climate change. As oil and gas become
scarcer and more expensive, the world will probably burn more coal, of
which there are is a vast reserve. Coal produces much more CO2 than oil
or gas and therefore increases global warming and all the dire
consequences which must follow.

RISING SEA LEVEL Due to global warming and melting ice, the sea level is
predicted to rise by up to one meter by the end of the century. If so, this
will inundate some of the most densely populated cities and areas in the
world. Hundreds of millions of people now in those cities and areas will
gradually re-locate in other, higher, areas.

major changes in the amount and location of rainfall. Some parts of the
world will become virtually uninhabitable. The existing population in those
regions (many hundreds of millions) will over time have to re-locate in other
areas, and add to those of the hundreds of millions having to migrate due
to the rising sea level.

POVERTY Some 40%, or 2,700 Million, of the world's population are
currently having to live on less than US$2 (œ1) a day. Some 800 Million go
to bed hungry every night. Over 2,000 Million people have no access to
electricity. Poverty shortens life, causes disease, increases infant mortality,
leads to mass economic migration, more "illegal immigrants".

AIDS This pandemic, first recognized in 1981, had by 2006 caused the
death of some 25 million people. It is estimated that today some 39 million
people are infected, of these. nearly 600,000 are children. Although there
are treatments (for those that can afford them) which prolong life, there is
no known cure.

RELIGIOUS AMBITION -- WORLD DOMINATION Some religions dictate that it is
their holy duty to convert all non-believers and those individuals who will not convert must be dominated or killed. Such conflict has been waged for over 1,000 years and continues to this day.


What are the world's governments and commercial and industrial corporations
doing to tackle these global problems? From what I can discover, with one
exception, not much!

There has been a marked recent interest in the field of REDUCING CARBON
DIOXIDE EMISSIONS. The emphasis seems to be on RESTRICTING the use of
electricity and the use of vehicles by means of taxation and legislation (Kyoto, EU
and G8 resolutions). There is little or no emphasis on REPLACEMENT of the CO2
emitting fossil fuels by a non-polluting energy supply; no plans to increase the
energy supply to carry the world economy forward. In my opinion, the measures
being initiated to cut back on CO2 emissions are futile; they will inevitably fail to
result in any significant reduction. Example -- recently both China and India have
publicly stated that they have no intention of jeopardizing their economic
development in order to reduce their CO2 emissions! What is certain, however, is
that if the planned restrictions of CO2 emissions were, in fact, to be enforced
there is a very real danger of bringing about a world-wide economic recession.

In my view, we are heading in the wrong direction!

Again, in my view, there is another way, another direction. That way is the
harnessing of the inexhaustible supply of heat below the earth's surface,
GEOTHERMAL ENERGY. I believe the harnessing of geothermal energy would go
a long way towards resolving, or at least mitigating the effects of not only global
warming but most of the world's problems as well. Referring to Atlas's burdens
above, this is how.

The needs of the population explosion (about 50% in the next 50 years) can
be met given cheap and abundant electrical power.

The world's water shortage can be eliminated, given enough de-salination
plants; de-salination plants need electrical power.

The end of our reserves of oil, gas, and eventually coal, would not matter,
given an alternative source of energy, namely geothermal energy.

The introduction of geothermal energy could enable the use of all fossil fuels,
and the CO2 emissions they create, to be phased out over the next three or
four decades (possible exception: kerosene for aircraft, by comparison a very
small proportion of current fossil fuel consumption).

The problems of nuclear energy, the problem of the disposal of nuclear waste and
the danger of sabotage, could be eliminated by replacing nuclear with geothermal.

The world's annual increase in power requirement -- possibly five times by the
year 2100 -- could be met by geothermal energy; the heat below our feet is

The massive population re-location which climate change and sea level rise
will cause could be managed over time given an adequate supply of cheap
electrical power.

If we are to lift a quarter of the world's population out of poverty, provision of
electrical power is a basic essential -- there is no way it could be done
without electricity being available to people wherever they live.

While cheap power in itself will not eliminate the problem of Aids, treatment and
drugs for the millions now effected must depend on medical infrastructure and
education; both in turn requiring electrical power.

Even the world's problem with Islam and its militants would be reduced: the
interference (as Muslims see it) by the West in the affairs of the Islamic
countries stems very largely from the West's need for oil and gas, much of
which lies in Islamic countries. If the West no longer had need of Middle East
oil and gas there is no doubt that the conflict between Islam and the West
would be lessened.

Geothermal energy is pollution-free, environmental friendly, needs no
transportation or storage, is universally available in every region of the globe,
eliminates the political problems associated with fossil fuels between "have" and
"have not" countries, is inexhaustible and unending. But is unlimited geothermal
energy really available? Could it really be mined and used to generate electrical
power? Could it really replace fossil fuels and nuclear?

Last year the Massachusetts Institute of Technology produced a 300 page report
entitled "The Future of Geothermal Energy -- the impact of Enhanced Geothermal
Systems on the United States in the 21st. Century". In the Findings, the report
states, "Using reasonable assumptions regarding how heat would be mined (from
within the USA), we estimate the extractable portion to exceed about 2,000
times the annual consumption of primary energy in the United States in 2005.
Surely an amazing statement! And in principle surely true of regions in the rest of
the world as well.

In Hunter Valley, Australia, a pilot geothermal "hot rock" plant is in operation, see
. The company forecasts that the energy available
from their one site is more than sufficient to supply the electrical power required
by the whole of Australia for the foreseeable future.

If the manpower and global resources expended in the last two decades on wind
farms, solar panels and currently being expended on new wells to mine oil and
gas from less and less productive areas had instead been, and from now on would
be, used to develop geothermal heat as our basic energy source, we would be
well on the way to a permanent and ideal solution to the world's energy source
needs for the 21st. century.

I have been watching the pronouncements being made by the world's political,
commercial and scientific leaders. Hardly a day passes without the subjects of
global warming, climate change, greenhouse gas emissions, cutting back on CO2,
carbon trading, and the like, hitting the news. It is amazing, given the fact that
geothermal energy as an energy source is, (in my view) the near-perfect answer
to so many of the world's problems, that it is hardly ever mentioned!

Why not, one asks? I wish I knew!


Note Other relevant papers: 'THE ENERGY PROBLEM -- A POSSIBLE SOLUTION', 'Climate Change and Global Warming', 'A Fact Sheet on
Geothermal Energy' in the previous Atlas's Burden article.

Wildlife Photographer Awarded Highly Prestigious Royal Photographic Society Gold Medal

Royal Recognition for Michael Huggan’s Outstanding Photography

Michael Huggan, ARPS

The wildlife photographer, Michael Huggan, ARPS (Associate of the Royal Photographic Society), is winner of this year’s Royal Photographic Society’s Travel Group Digital Section Gold Medal. He was presented the award by the President of the RPS, Professor Jacobsen, at a special ceremony in April.

Michael Huggan's 2007 RPS Travel Group Gold Medal

The judge said that his image entitled ‘The Gardians’, taken in Montagnac, Southern France stood out from the rest due to its composition, the dramatic imagery of the horses and their formation and grouping.

Michael Huggan's Award-winning photo 'The Gardians'

“One of my photographic loves is horses and for many years I photographed equestrian events from local riding clubs to polo matches,” recalls Michael. “In 2004, my wife and I travelled to the Camargue in southern France to visit friends in the village of Montagnac. By pure accident, we had arrived in time to see a local festival in the next village which included a competition between two teams of horses and riders demonstrating their control in marshalling playful bulls. The riders are known as ‘Gardians’ which is the name I have given the winning photo.”

‘The Gardians’ can be seen on the Royal Photographic Society Travel Group website here: http://www.travelgroup.rps.org/Exhibition/index.html

Michael, a Nikon user for the last 35 years, lives in Hampshire. His photographic experience covers a wide range of subjects from the natural world, lifestyle and business to Michael’s passion of wildlife photography for which he is most well known. His interest in wildlife photography heralds from many visits to the African continent. In 2003 Michael gained his Associate Distinction (ARPS) in nature photography with the Royal Photographic Society and in 2005, he was awarded the bronze medal for one of his African wildlife images by the Nature Group of the RPS. Michael has had various pictures and articles published in a variety of magazines and photographic journals. He has also displayed his work at numerous exhibitions for which he has received outstanding acclaim. His photography, available as limited edition pictures, note cards and exhibition-range framed pictures, can be viewed and purchased at http://www.michaelhuggan.com.

For more information, contact:

Michael Huggan, ARPS
Michael Huggan Photography
Cranford House
Alton Lane, Four Marks
GU34 5AJ

01962 773697

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Wednesday 13 June 2007

izimi in rap

At the recent San Francisco New Tech Meetup - http://newtech.meetup.com/ - the most unusual 60-second open mic slot of the evening was definitely izimi's! izimi VP of Product, David Ingram, stood up to make his presentation, only to have the mic taken from his hands by local San Francisco rapper and freestyle artist Tommy. Tommy went on to rap the 60 second slot and the crowd went wild. When he'd finished he nonchalently handed the mic back to a speechless Ingram!

izimi enables you to publish and serve files, photos, music and videos, in fact anything, straight from your PC to anyone with a browser. A new version of izimi with many enhanced features will be available in a few weeks.

(NB: this video is being 'live shared' straight from the izimi CEO's home PC)

izimi - instantly share anything with anyone

For more information, visit: http://www.izimi.com

social networking, file sharing, video sharing, photo sharing, classified ads

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Tuesday 12 June 2007

HP Honors Software Shelf for its Print Accounting Software - Print Manager Plus®

Print Control Company, Software Shelf, is Granted Hewlett-Packard’s Outstanding Partner of the Year Award

Palo Alto, California and London (June 2007): Leading print management software company, Software Shelf, has been granted Hewlett-Packard’s prestigious “Catch the Wave” Outstanding Partner of the Year Award at the Worldwide HP Imaging and Printer Group Solutions Partner Conference in Atlanta, Georgia for its flagship print accounting software, Print Manager Plus.

Danny Byrnes, Vice-president of Software Shelf, EMEA with Software Shelf's “Catch the Wave” Outstanding Partner of the Year Award 2007

This award further establishes Print Manager Plus as the standard print management software for use with Microsoft Windows because the product is: seamless, intuitive, very easy to use, requires no training, can be installed in minutes across an entire network and supports all printer brands. It is also priced at a cost affordable to almost any organization of any size i.e. a fraction of the cost of other print management solutions on the market.

Software Shelf's “Catch the Wave” Outstanding Partner of the Year Award 2007

Danny Byrnes, Vice-president of Software Shelf, EMEA stated, “We are very proud to be presented with this award! It shows not only that the world’s largest information technology corporation has recognized Print Manager Plus for what it is – a highly efficient and cost-effective way of controlling an organization’s printing, thus dramatically reducing its printing costs – but also that HP really cares about helping companies and schools save money on toner and paper.

“Up to now, only a fraction of companies with printing networks were able to save money on printing without Print Manager Plus and then, only able to do so usually with complex, expensive software or hardware-combined solutions that normally required service contracts to maintain. The cost of these high end “solutions” has been prohibitive to around 90 percent of the business and academic sectors. Thus the vast majority of organizations have had no effective tool to control the ever-increasing cost of printing.

“Print Manager Plus enables any organization of any size (and even one with a very tight budget) to have a truly affordable, easy to use, high quality tool that will save them substantial amounts of money in their printing costs – namely: electricity, printer wear and tear, and toner and paper consumption.”

Print Manager Plus is used in the business and education sectors to account for, track, and reduce toner and paper costs and to bill-back those costs to customers. It is fast becoming the standard for any Windows network administrator wishing to control and manage a printing enterprise. It is not only a pure software solution, it is also the only such product on the market “native” to the Windows operating system, seamlessly integrated with Active Directory and operating as an extension of Windows.

Software Shelf was established in 1994 in Silicon Valley by William Feeley. Its flagship product Print Manager Plus is used by thousands of companies, schools and government offices worldwide, including: Yale University, Los Angeles Unified School District, Harvard University, Oxford University, Morgan Stanley, British Library, University of California, Bank of England, NATO, CNN, Commerzbank, European Transaction Bank, National Bank of Kuwait, Hyatt Hotels and Microsoft.

Software Shelf provides free tech support (in 13 languages) from its offices in the US and UK and from its 153 partners and resellers in 62 countries.

A fully functional free evaluation of the software can be downloaded here: http://www.softwareshelf.com/files/downloads.asp?ID=23

Software Shelf and Print Manager Plus are trademarks owned by Software Shelf worldwide.

For further information, contact:

Danny Byrnes
Software Shelf International, Inc.
601 Cleveland Street
Suite# 710
Clearwater, FL 33755
United States
Phone: 727-445-1920
Phone: 800-962-2290
Fax: 727-445-9223
Email: sales@softwareshelf.com
Website: http://www.softwareshelf.com

Christian Delalez
Software Shelf International, Inc.
Vitality House
2 - 3 Imberhorne Way
East Grinstead
West Sussex, RH19 1RL
United Kingdom
Phone +44 1342 310950
Fax +44 1342 302405
Email: sales@softwareshelf.co.uk
Website: http://www.softwareshelf.co.uk

Source: Enterprisewire® News Service
© Enterprisewire News Service

Keywords: print console, remote printing, Account Print Jobs, Account Printer, Account Printing, Analyze Printer, Audit Print Jobs, Audit Printer, Audit Printing, Control Print Jobs, Control Printer, Control Printing, Count Print Jobs, Count Printer, Count Printing, Limit Print Jobs, Limit Printer, Limit Printing, Manage Print Jobs, Manage Printer, Manage Printing, Monitor Print Jobs, Monitor Printer, Monitor Printers, Monitor Printing, Print Audit, Print Control, Print Counter, Print Logging, Print Management, Print Monitor, Print Monitoring, Print Quota, Print Restriction, Print Server Software, Print Tracker, Print Tracking, Printer Accounting, Printer Management, Printer Manager, Printer Tracking, Printer Usage, Printing Server Software, Quota Printer, Quota Printing, Report Print Jobs, Report Printing, Restrict Printer, Restrict Printing, Track Print Jobs, Track Printer, Track Printing, count page, pages counter, Print Manager, Print Manager Plus, Library Printing, Print Accounting, Printer Accounting, control network printers

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Friday 8 June 2007

Puerto Banús - the port that comes with celebs guaranteed

If you're into celeb watching as well as the traditional sun and sand holiday, you can't go wrong with Puerto Banús

I've been going on holiday to Puerto Banús near Marbella, Spain for ages now and nearly every time - in amongst the Ferarris, Lamboughinis, massive yachts and 'beautiful people' - I bump into at least one celebrity there.

I can't remember them all now, but the list includes:

Photo: biography.com

Freddie StarrPhoto: middleton.towntalk.co.uk
Kevin Keegan
Photo: supanet.com

Cilla BlackPhoto: wrvs.org.uk

Max Clifford
Photo: greatreporter.com

Peter Stringfellow
Photo: robmcgibbon.com

Steve Bruce
Photo: inthenews.co.uk

David Sullivan
Photo: images.icnetwork.co.uk

Simon Jordan
Photo: newsimg.bbc.co.uk

Lesley Sharp
(OK, that was in Malaga airport)
Photo: telegraph.co.uk

With Sophie & Harry in 2006

Kieran Richardson
Photo: uefa.com

Michael AbsalomWith Chiara & Harry

Simon Cowell
With Harry & Chiara

Why is Puerto Banús so attractive to the rich and famous?
Why is the Sinatra Bar the most successful bar in the world?
I wonder who we are going to see next time...

For more information on Puerto Banús, visit: http://www.puertojosebanus.es

Wednesday 6 June 2007

Incredible cost-saving opportunity for School Districts, Local Education Authorities and Ministries of Education, Worldwide

Leading Print Management Software Company, Software Shelf, Makes Group Licenses Available to the Education Sector

PALO ALTO, Calif. & LONDON – Leading print management software company, Software Shelf, announced today that it has made available its flagship print management tool, Print Manager Plus®, on an Unlimited Site License basis. This is very good news for large organizations within the education sector such as School Districts, Local Education Authorities or an entire University Campus.

Up to now, this product has been available on a Site License basis which already represented a substantial cost saving within one school or faculty. Now, Software Shelf has extended this price break to include all schools or faculties within the group, dramatically reducing the price per unit license and allowing each educational establishment to take advantage of the software and so reduce their printing costs by around £1,000 ($2,000) per month per school or department.

Mr. Daniel Byrnes, Vice President Software Shelf states, “When network printing is not properly managed within any organization, it can literally hemorrhage cash due to the vast amounts of wasted paper and toner. The impact on the environment of so much wasted paper and electricity is also significant. Industry studies* show an ‘average' school of about 1,100 students saves approximately $2,000 a month by using Print Manager Plus.”

Print Manager Plus, which is proven in the industry having been on the market for over ten years, is a native extension of Microsoft Windows with Seamless Active Directory Integration providing a complete print management and accounting solution at a fraction of the cost of every other similar product available today.

“Not only is it the lowest in price of every similar solution on the market, it is of the highest technical quality. Print Manager Plus is standardized to and `native' to the Windows Operating System. It’s the only print management and accounting software in the market voted as the Microsoft Solution of the Month for the Public Sector. It has been the Microsoft Solution of the Month for 17 months in a row – it is easy to use, requires no training for an average school IT administrator and it can be installed and deployed in a few minutes reducing paper and toner consumption by half or more from the moment it is deployed and from there on out,” said Byrnes.

Whether used across a School District or University Campus, Print Manager Plus covers all Print Management and Accounting needs. It allows one to track, quota, bill or restrict student printing and printer usage. It provides easy control over all printing resources, namely printers, paper, and toner. No more wasted budget resulting from uncontrolled and irresponsible printing.

Kevin Bowker of The King’s Academy, Middlesbrough says, “Before we implemented Print Manager Plus our annual printing costs were in the region of £24,000. Obviously this was coming out of our general IT budget which meant we could not afford our upgrades for both hardware and software. By implementing print quotas as well as recharging departments we have managed to cut our costs to just over £12,000 which is acceptable in an organization of this size. We have also stopped the abuse of our printers by monitoring everything the students print. For example, we had a student who thought it would be funny to send over 700 copies of a picture to one of our printers. Neither he nor his parents thought it was funny when they received the bill!”

Software Shelf was established in 1996 in Silicon Valley by William Feeley. Tech support and sales are now provided in 13 European languages directly from offices located in the US and UK and support and sales are also offered through 153 resellers, partners and distributors in 62 countries.

Print Manager Plus is used by thousands of companies, schools and government offices worldwide, including: Yale University, Los Angeles Unified School District, Harvard University, Oxford University, Morgan Stanley, British Library, University of California, Bank of England, NATO, CNN, Commerzbank, European Transaction Bank, National Bank of Kuwait, Hyatt Hotels and Microsoft.

A fully functional free evaluation of the software can be downloaded here: http://www.softwareshelf.com/files/downloads.asp?ID=121

*22.01.07 “CEBR & OKI: Schools lose £115 million through printing waste, says research”

Software Shelf and Print Manager Plus are trademarks owned by Software Shelf worldwide.

For further information, contact:

Danny Byrnes
Software Shelf International, Inc.
601 Cleveland Street
Suite# 710
Clearwater, FL 33755
United States
Phone: 727-445-1920
Phone: 800-962-2290
Fax: 727-445-9223
Email: sales@softwareshelf.com
Website: http://www.softwareshelf.com

Christian Delalez
Software Shelf International, Inc.
Vitality House
2 - 3 Imberhorne Way
East Grinstead
West Sussex, RH19 1RL
United Kingdom
Phone +44 1342 310950
Fax +44 1342 302405
Email: sales@softwareshelf.co.uk
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Monday 4 June 2007

Waterless Carwash Company - Miracle Drywash - Sponsors the Youth 4 Human Rights UK Car Racing Team

Award-winning manufacturer of waterless spray and shine carwash system sponsors Y4HR Race Team

SJ Khebbal presents his first sponsorship cheque to Niki Lanik of the Y4HR UK Car Racing Team

CRAWLEY, WEST SUSSEX – The manufacturer of an award-winning waterless carwash system, Miracle Drywash, has sponsored a local race team, the Youth 4 Human Rights UK Car Racing Team (Y4HR).

SJ Khebbal, founder of Crawley-based Miracle Drywash, presented his company’s first tranch of sponsorship funds to Niki Lanik, the Y4HR UK driver and reigning Renault Clio Winter Cup champion at Niki’s Ashurst Wood home during a special cheque-presentation ceremony attended by family and friends.

Y4HR UK’s £25,000 2.0 litre 205 bhp Renault Clio Sport, which is fitted with the latest F1-style data-acquisition kit, was also on display, now adorned with the Miracle Drywash logo. Miracle Drywash is Y4HR UK’s biggest sponsor to date.

“We saw in Niki a young man with his head screwed on right, totally dedicated to what he’s doing, supporting a wonderful cause (human rights) and a driver who already has an impressive driving record with a promising career ahead of him,” says Khebbal. “We wish him all the best in his forthcoming championship round of the Clio Cup on 24 June 2007 at Alton Park, near Manchester.”

20 year-old Austrian-born Niki is very pleased with his recent new sponsorship deal.

“We are very grateful to SJ and his team. We are also totally behind the Miracle Drywash product. Due to aerodynamics, a clean and polished car can actually make a significant difference to your top speed, and Miracle Drywash is such a convenient way to keep the car clean without having to mess around with buckets of water etc. We are also happy that we are saving hundreds of litres of the UK’s precious water supply through our use of Miracle Drywash.”

Miracle Drywash - the totsally waterless, environmentally friendly carwash product

The Y4HR UK Car Racing Team is managed by Vibrant Motorsports Ltd in Ashurst Wood which, in turn, is run by Niki Lanik and family and was established in 2006. The team, which is the holder of the 2006 Clio Winter Cup title, will compete in seven more championship rounds throughout the rest of 2007. Y4HR UK’s purpose is to make people aware of their human rights, which, in the long-term, makes a positive contribution towards world peace. As far as they know, Y4HR UK Car Racing Team is the first of its kind in the world to support human rights. Other than Miracle Dry Wash (www.miracledrywash.com), the team is also sponsored by G&G Food Supplies (www.GandGvitamins.com), Wealden Workwear (www.wwpe.co.uk), and Luxury Sign Design (www.lsdsign.co.uk). For more information, visit

Miracle Drywash, manufactured by SJK Products Ltd in Crawley, West Sussex, is a totally waterless washing and polishing system – a revolutionary way to both wash and polish your car, boat, motorbike, or any other metal, glass, or painted surface - with only a single application of the product. The company was founded by Mr SJ Khebbal in 2004. The product was endorsed by South East Water in 2006 and was awarded the prestigious Waterwise Marque in 2007 for its contribution towards saving water in the UK. Miracle Drywash can be purchased online at http://www.miracledrywash.com/purchase.php

For more information, please contact:

SJ Khebbal
SJK Products Ltd.
James Place
West Sussex
RH10 6GA

Tel: 0800 881 8062
E-mail: info@miracledrywash.com
Web: http://www.miracledrywash.com

waterless, carwash, car wash, polishing, drought, hosepipe ban, caravan, motorhome, camping, environment, racing, race

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