Saturday 22 September 2012

I won the Harold Pinter Theatre's Spamalot competition!

My Spamalot "goodies"
I happen to notice a tweet from the Harold Pinter Theatre announcing a Spamalot competition. All you had to do was tweet the theatre a picture of yourself holding a can of Spam to win a bag of Spamalot "goodies"... So that's exactly what I did.

My competition entry: Me and my Spamalot-edition can of Spam
It turns out I was the only person to enter, so I won the bag of Spamalot "goodies" which comprised the UK tour version of the Spamalot CD, the theatre programme, a Best of British Theatre bag and a Grail Bag from - a website, believe it or not, that I had never heard of!

To the Harold Pinter Theatre, thank you very much for my prize!

The Spamalot run at the Harold Pinter Theatre has now ended, but will return on 14th November 2012 at the Playhouse Theatre for an indefinite period.

Spamalot is the funniest show EVER! Do yourself a favour and go and see it.