Waitrose in East Grinstead, is backing Community Projects and charities each month by selecting three causes to reap the rewards of donations made by Waitrose.
Here is how it works: Customers are given a green token at the checkout which they can place into one of the three labeled boxes by the front door, thereby choosing the charity they wish to support. The more green tokens each charity gets, the greater the share of the donations that charity will receive.
The H.E.L.P. Centre has been chosen by Waitrose to receive donations. The H.E.L.P. box will be at the entrance of Waitrose until the end of November. Please shop at Waitrose, give your green tokens in support of the H.E.L.P. Centre and pass the word on to others to do the same!
Your donations will greatly help the free literacy programme that the H.E.L.P. Centre delivers to children and adults in the community who need tuition assistance. It will help them to help many more people!
H.E.L.P Centre
East Grinstead is lucky to have many excellent schools which ensure the majority of students get the benefits of a good education. Some children, however, fall behind in their reading and writing skills, which are necessary for success in all other subjects, and some parents cannot afford to pay for additional tuition.This is where the H.E.L.P. Centre can live up to its name!
The H.E.L.P. Centre provides tutors who can work with children one-on-one to help them catch up and make learning fun. We use a very successful phonics system, so that even children who have had prior difficulties in reading and spelling can become good readers and spellers.
The Centre also helps adults of any age who missed out on these basics for whatever reasons. It is never too late to learn and it can change an otherwise disadvantaged life! Once the student can read well, his next step would be to study a course to enable him to become an independent learner.
Success story:
Here's what a parent of one of the children said recently:
"I am writing to express my appreciation for all the help you have given my son. "When Sam first started at the H.E.L.P. Centre he was struggling to read and write and therefore was unable to fully participate in his school lessons. He was falling further and further behind his classmates. His tutors at the H.E.L.P. Centre took him back to basics and helped him to learn the alphabet properly. With all the time and effort they have spent with Sam during the time he has been there, he is now able to read, write and enjoy school. I seriously wonder how Sam would be coping with school if he had not had the help he has received. Many thanks to all your tutors for all the help you have given Sam."
Here are more success stories:
"After only one week's attendance at the Centre my son's teachers commented on his marked improvement in recognising the letters of the alphabet and his reading. Another month on and my son is showing more confidence in his ability to read and readily reads aloud. He has more confidence and self-esteem and takes pride in relaying his achievements at school; i.e. writing stories and reading books on his own." - Mr. & Mrs. S.
"Learning is meant to be fun, not a nightmare. Since being at the Centre it has changed my point of view on learning. I always hated reading now I love it." - Student Stephanie. Age 15
Any parent or individual who would like to have a tour of the centre would be welcome to come in and see the facilities. Anyone who would like to train, free of charge, to be a tutor at the Centre and to volunteer THEIR help would also be very welcome.
For more information:
H.E.L.P. Centre
59 Railway Approach,
East Grinstead
West Sussex
RH19 1BT
Opening hours: Monday 4 - 9pm
©2008 Applied Scholastics International. All Rights Reserved. Applied Scholastics and the Applied Scholastics open book design are trademarks and service marks owned by Association for Better Living and Education International and are used with its permission. Applied Scholastics International is a non-profit educational organization and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, national origin, sex, disability or age in its programs and activities. Grateful Acknowledgement is made to L. Ron Hubbard Library for permission to reproduce selections from the copyrighted works of L. Ron Hubbard.
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